Saturday, April 7, 2012

I propose: Engagement

So you're on social media - you have a Facebook, you have a Twitter - and you're trying to figure out how all these things work.

Step two: Get engaged!
Social media elites are constantly throwing around this buzzword of "engagement." But what does it mean and how do you do it?

Renee Warren from defines engagement as, "adding actual value to conversations relevant to your brand. Engagement, by its very definition, is about active involvement."
Basically, it's pretty similar to regular interpersonal relationships. Your goal is to bring something to the table that the other party is interested in. The difference is, in social media you do not have a captive audience. You have to be extra enticing to gain their acknowledgment, and then try to maintain their interests. 

7 Levels of Social Media Engagement lists a few ways to get involved.

How do you get started?

1.) Listen. My last posts discusses the importance of listening in itself, but listening is also an important engagement tool. If you want to be heard, you first have to listen.

2.) Ask and Answer Questions. What is a better way to engage your followers than to out right ask for it? Ask questions, get responses, have conversations. Equally as important - answer questions asked of you, let your followers know you are listening, too.

3.) Reach out, get personal. If you are always about your brand or your product, people get bored. They want personality. They want to be drawn in. Establish relationships with people with similar interests and take the time to get to know what they want. (Listen!)

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