Saturday, April 7, 2012

The power of followship

What's more important, quantity or quality?

I think we can all agree, when it comes to something like cookies, quality is always best.

Twitter followers have the same concept. Quality over quantity is better.
Even @designtwit, with close to 4,500 followers, said she would rather have 4 followers than 4,000 followers if they were engaging and brought relevant and interesting content to the table.
Not only do you want followers who talk about things you're interested in, but you want followers who are interested in what you talk about, too. Twitter is a public place. Not only can people see what you're saying, they can see who you're following and who's following you. You want that to reflect your brand.

You have power as a follower. You bring something to the table, too.
Numbers mean nothing. Quality reflects who you are.

When looking for people to follow, read bios.
(Now, I will be the first to admit, my bio needs a lot of work. It tells nothing about me, so it doesn't work to my advantage at all.)
However, that's not always the case. Bios are a good reference for a persons interests, and if your interests are similar, they might bring something to your twitter. Also, look at their tweet history. See anything exciting? Follow them.

Need some help getting started? Follow these professionals:
Lyn Hoyt, @designtwit
Melissa Stewart, @MelissaOnline
Mark Schaefer, @markwschaefer
Tina Cook, @TinaCook
Chris Brogan, @chrisbrogan

I recommend these professionals because they bring content to the table, and they do it consistently. Also, they're really good at following back, which adds to your network as well.

Since this class, my Twitter network has expanded a lot. I started out at 0, so I've gained about 30 followers - which might not sound like much, but it's a process in action.

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